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End of Life for Raspberry PI 4 and 400.
November 20, 2023
Jonathan Steadman
Hello. I am sorry to say that but raspberry pi 4 and 400 software and game support ends from 2026. 3 years to go. No longer getting updates from 2nd of August 2026. The time below is the time when you...
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What is new in 13.0 update.
November 20, 2023
Jonathan Steadman
You can now use a demial point, use pi and use SIN. Nothing much really just added a deminal point that people will fint useful. Thanks Jonathan Steadman...
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What is new in 12.0 update?
February 11, 2023
Jonathan Steadman
Hello everyone, this is a very small update but its worth getting. What is new: Now when you get put a invalid calculation for example (9*9+) then it should display an error. Like so: When you press =...
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This is a new small update!
February 03, 2023
Jonathan Steadman
Hey, everyone this calculator get a new small update. As you could before go to the text box area and type down numbers: Well now it is disabled and you can no longer add numbers, letter or symbols to...
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10.0 update is now here.
June 25, 2022
Jonathan Steadman
This update is only on Linux but is right now being made to run on FreeBSD and Raspberry Pi 400 (64 bit) operating system. Update: This software is on Linux and FreeBSD. Coming soon to Raspberry Pi 64...
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What is new in 10.0 update?
June 25, 2022
Jonathan Steadman
Hello I am updating this software but here is what is new? 1) Updated the icon: Not the best icon but I love it. 2) Fixed a bug that not all popups shows the icon. 3) Now the popup messages will go on...
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What is new for FreeBSD 4.1 update.
June 11, 2022
Jonathan Steadman
I have fixed a small bug that people was having. 1) When you used to exit the software you see this message: Hmm this is strange! Its not a game. I fixed it now. Here is the new look and the bug fix:...
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This software is now on Raspberry Pi Linux.
June 09, 2022
Jonathan Steadman
You can now use this software on you Raspberry Pi. It needs to run on a 64 bit OS and was tested with Pi 400. It may work with other devices with the ARM processor. Thanks Jonathan Steadman...
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What is new with update 9.0!
June 01, 2022
Jonathan Steadman
Hello I hope you guys had a great week off school or college. Anyway I will make it better by saying what is new within this update. 1) Updated the popup messages to have the icon. 2) Updated the look...
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What is new with update 8.0!
May 21, 2022
Jonathan Steadman
Hello now I will go through what is new: 1) Updated the popup to look better and match the theme of the software: 2) When you press the exit X button then you will see this message: If you press ok th...
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